24.2.2008 | 23:41
How To Get Your Emailed CV The Attention You Want
How to Write Attention Grabbing Emails for Your CV or Resume
Attention: is what your email subject line should create. Many persons base their decision, on whether to open and read an email or ignore it, simply on what is in the subject line. So make sure it is short, direct and most of all informative.
Writing "My CV" is definitely short and direct, but it is definitely not informative and worse it is just plain rude. "Experienced & SIA Licensed CPO at Your Service" is short, direct and yet informative and would definitely get my attention. Think about it, next time you compose the subject line before sending your resume by email.
Your Cover Letter, whether it is in printed form or an email message, should also use the "Attention" factor in its first "heading" and the first full paragraph. The first paragraph should ideally consist of 2-3 or max 4 lines, and basically further "bind" the readers attention, so that he will be compelled to read your resume and do it with a positive attitude.
So your first "heading" and paragraph have to be well composed and follow this simple and proved guideline:
Point 1: Communicate the offer - what is your purpose of the communicating and what you are offering.
Point 2: Highlight your best aspects - what are your best qualities and what makes you the ideal candidate for the job.
Point 3: Engage the reader what do you know that is of direct relevance to the position or company you are applying with.
When your head line and opening paragraph accomplishes to deliver all three points, then the Human Resource department or receiver will open and read your resume! So put some real work into it, after all it is your economic future and security career that you are securing by adding a little extra work to your resume.
Your resume (or curriculum vitae), combined with the cover letter, are the master keys to opening the prospective employer's mind and the company door; so that you can proceed to the next step in the process - the job interview!
Dan Sommer - http://www.dansommer.biz
Flokkur: Stjórnmįl og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:45 | Facebook
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